Mrs. Corinna Harnett » Home


My name is Corinna Harnett. I grew up in Southern California and then moved to Long Beach to attend college. I enjoy being an amateur photographer, traveling with my husband and hanging out with our two kids.  I recently traveled to Kenya, Africa and the following summer received my Master's in Education from Concordia University in Irvine.

I enjoy being a teacher because it gives me an opportunity to make connections with kids. Teaching English is a hard sell sometimes, but I enjoy seeing the students experience history or life lessons through writing.

My favorite quote is "So shines a good deed in a weary world." This quote, stated by the greatest figure in movie history, Willy Wonka, is what I try and teach my students. Although the world may look dreary, YOU can change the forecast with a compassionate heart, an open mind and optimism! Valencia is a great place to teach, and I look forward to many more years in this profession.

I am looking forward to meeting you in the fall! Enjoy your summer, relax, and read :)