
Dear Students and Parents:
I am looking forwarding to meeting and working with you this coming year. I am a Valencia graduate and I am so proud to be a teacher at VHS. After high school, I attended Cal State Fullerton where I received my B.A. in English. I returned to Cal State Fullerton to complete my Single Subject credential in English. I earned my master's degree in Educational Administration from Concordia University. 
My college prep LA3 class will be using Canvas as a learning platform in addition to Google Classroom.  I will be going over all of this in the first few weeks of class.  
My LA3 IBHLY1 will use Google Classroom for assignments. 
Please see the class syllabus (on Google Classroom for IB, Canvas for LA3)  for specifics on grading, assessments, and expectations.   
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you have. Email is the best way to reach me. 
Alyson Dixon
714-996-4970 ext 10407