Hello Everyone,
I hope that everyone had a restful summer and is ready to start a new year. For some of you this will be your last year here, so I hope that this year will be one of the best.
I started teaching here at Valencia in 2005. I graduated from Cal State Fullerton in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a minor in Math and Business Administration. My credential was also completed at CSUF the following year. In 2014 I again graduated from CSUF this time with a Master of Science in Physics. I also teach evening and summer classes for the the Physics Department at CSUF
requirements: concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2
This year in physics we will be doing several projects. You can expect to have one major project due each quarter. You are more than welcome to work on your own for these projects. However, I usually allow you to work in small groups if you so choose. Some projects that we have done in the past include the egg drop project, a mouse trap powered car, and a Rube Goldberg machine. We may be doing some of these same projects, although, I will warn you that I like to change things up so you can expect to have some new and unusual challenges.
AP Physics:
requirements: concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2
passed chemistry with a B
This is an algebra based phyiscs calss which means you will be taking the AP Physics B test. If you are thinking about physics as a career choice this class will not give you college credit towards a physics or engineering degree. Let me first explain that in college there are two types of physics class; those for physics majors and engineers, and those that are for biology, chemistry, and every other major. This class would be equivalent to a survey course for a bio, chem ... major. This is not to say that you shouldn't take the course. All of you will have to do a certain amount of general education requirements in the area of science. This class will help meet some of your GE requirements and it will give you a good overview of physics. Because we have so much to cover and so little time, you will be completing several projects for me after the AP test rather than every quarter like the physics class. Since this is a college level course the difficulty and quantity of projects, tests, and homework will be significantly higher than what is required of your peers in physics. I am looking forward to a fun and challenging year.
For all students and parents you will find below a copy of the Science Safety Rules for PYLUSD. Some of the Rules do not apply to a phyiscs however, please make sure that you read them carefully.

AP Physics Syllabus 1718
Syllabus for AP Physics 1, period 2.

Physics Syllabus 1718
Syllabus for Regular Physics, periods 3, 5, and 6.

Ap review
Hi Guys,
Here is a copy of the AP review packet that I normally have in binders. It goes over every topic that will be on the test, and also has problems you can work, as well as tips on how to solve different kinds of problems