Back to School Registration August 14-18
The opening day of the 2023-2024 school year, Tuesday, August 29, 2023, is approaching. We have set aside five days in August to assist our students with completing all necessary preparations prior to beginning school. Please review the attached Back to School Days information for the specific date and time that your student should report. If you cannot come at your assigned time, please attend the make-up day.
Back to School Registration 8 AM-12 PM:
-8/14 Seniors
-8/15 Juniors
-8/16 Sophomores
-8/17 Freshmen
-8/18 Makeup day
-8/18 Link Crew 9th-grade Orientation 8 AM - 12 PM VHS GYM
-8/18 New to VHS Parent Orientation 11:00 AM- 12 PM VHS Auditorium
Click "Read full story" for additional details.