ELAC Cafecito (Coffee Break)

Monday, September 18th in our VHS Library kicked off the school year with our ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) "Cafecito" -Coffee Break with the Principal. Our ELD parents welcomed a guest speaker, Mrs. Mary Vasquez, who gave our parents a heartfelt motivational talk, having been an ELAC/ELD parent herself, she shared about the Importance of Being An Involved Parent! We heard from our new Principal, Mrs. Yaung who shared Valencia High School's Mission, school wide programs, interventions and goals. Parents were visited by Valencia's esteemed faculty from the Management team and Dept. Head. Valencia welcomed other parents from local organizations to share their personal stories related to being an involved parent. Additionally, we held nominations and elected our newly appointed Vice President. Together with Mrs. Douglas, counselor, our team of parent members learned about our programs and our committee, goals and objectives. We are also very happy to welcome two parent volunteers/reps! Next mtg: Oct. 11th