CAASPP Testing

PYLUSD Parents:

This spring your child will take the California State Standardized testing, with individual scores provided to 

parents and the district.  Many of you are familiar with the former STAR testing taken each spring for over 

ten years. The STAR/CST testing process has been replaced with a new system known as the California 

Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). 

A component of the testing system is the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), which has 

been developed in order to assess a student’s mastery of the content standards and progress toward 

college and career readiness. Last spring, most students participated in the SBAC field test, however 

individual scores were not provided to parents or the district. This year students will take the full test and 

receive individual scores. A practice test for this exam is available for your review at­test/).

PYLUSD students will take the following exams this year:

● SBAC Test – Grades 3­8 and 11 in both Math and Language Arts.

● California Standards Test (CST) for Science in grades 5, 8, and 10.

 PYLUSD students with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP): ● Most students with an IEP will participate in the SBAC Test as outlined above.  Accommodations 

are available for the test, as designated per the IEP. ● California Modified Assessment (CMA) for Science for students in grades 5, 8, and 10, if an IEP 

calls for such an exam. ● California Alternative Assessment Program (CAPA)  has been replaced with the Alternate 

Performance Assessment for California for students with an alternate curriculum in grades 2­11 

with an IEP that calls for such an exam. 

The SBAC is taken online and is given over several days(approximately 7­8 hours total). Each school has 

determined the days and times the tests will be given at their site.  You will receive information from your 

school site during the month of March and all testing will be completed by early June. 

For future updates and additional information, please check the PYLUSD website (

Candy Plahy

Assistant Superintendent, Education Services