Robotics Competition This Weekend Showcases Students’ Engineering and Problem Solving Talents

By Rosemary Gladden (PYLUSD)

In February, Valencia High students packed up Ariel, an approximately three-feet-wide by four-foot-tall robot that they painstakingly built over six weeks and can be student-operated or run autonomously.  The robot’s main skill:  launching giant balls to score the most points in a robotics competition that is one of several occurring this time of year across the world.  With similar robots in tow, 37 schools from across Southern California will make their way to Valencia High School this Saturday and Sunday for the Fall Classic robotics competition where they, like Valencia, will be able to unpack their robots to see how they perform.  Read more about Ariel the robot and why universities as well as industry are quickly taking in students who are involved in robotics competitions: