Expected School Wide Learning Results

Valencia High School will
Prepare its graduates to be:

Academic Achievers who:

  • Meet or exceed the local academic content standards

Effective Communicators who:

  • Interpret, evaluate, and respond to the spoken and written message of others.
  • Produce quality written and spoken language which addresses various situations and audiences.
  • Convey individual expressions through writing, speaking, visual or performing arts.

Healthy Individuals who:

  • Establish, practice, and support healthy lifestyles, including physical fitness and emotional wellness.
  • Exhibit and promote behaviors that build and maintain positive relationships.

Complex Thinkers who:

  • Analyze, select, and apply appropriate critical thinking strategies to variety of assignments, projects, and real-life situations.
  • Formulate and justify opinions, predictions, and recommendations based on logical reasoning.

Self-Directed Learners who:

  • Maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses through reflection and self assessment.
  • Take initiative and accept responsibility for their future by setting and prioritizing goals.
  • Are self-reliant, seek knowledge, and can utilize informational resources available to them.

Community Participants who:

  • Are aware of school standards and societal rules, are accountable for their actions, and willing to accept consequences.
  • Engage in community service.
  • Participate in career awareness programs.
  • Participate in activities that build pride in school and community.

Effective Technologists who:

  • Demonstrate skill and knowledge in the use of technology as a tool to produce quality work across the curriculum.
  • Select and apply appropriate technology to real-world situations.

Collaborative Workers who:

  • Recognize and appreciate the individual contributions that diverse populations make toward common goals.
  • Work effectively as a team to accomplish a goal.